• The Role of Governance in Healthcare Quality and Safety

        Governance in healthcare is not just about rules and regulations. It’s about creating a framework that ensures patient safety and quality care. As an integral part of healthcare management, good governance shapes the policies and procedures that maintain high standards in medical practices. In this article, we'll explore the vital role...

  • Is Nursing a STEM Profession?

    Keith Carlson Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC has been a nurse since 1996. As a holistic career coach, nurse podcaster, writer, blogger, and well-known motivational speaker, Keith empowers nurses regarding personal branding; professional networking; entrepreneurship; resume, job search, and interview strategies; emotional and relational intelligence;...

  • Young Healthcare Workers Face More Workplace Discrimination, Leading to Stress and Burnout

    AUTHORS Morenike Ayo-Vaughan Program Officer, Advancing Health Equity, The Commonwealth Fund     Laurie C. Zephyrin Senior Vice President, Advancing Health Equity, The Commonwealth Fund     A recent survey of 3,000 health care workers revealed that younger clinicians ages 18–29 — nurses, doctors, dentists,...

  • Safety in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing: How to Score With End-to-End Processes

        The term “safety” in the context of biopharmaceutical manufacturing is ambiguous: On the one side, it refers to the safe applicability of pharmaceutical products in clinical settings. The products not only have to be effective, but the risks for patients upon administration need to be predictable as well, which is why tolerability is...

  • Biologic Medicines: Transition from Clinical to Commercial Manufacturing

      The transition from clinical to commercial manufacturing is a critical juncture in the lifecycle of biological medicines. It embodies the complex interplay between biotechnological innovation, regulatory rigour, and commercial strategy. Successfully navigating this phase is pivotal for delivering breakthrough therapies to patients worldwide,...

  • Speech by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides at the Lancet Breast Cancer Commission Report Launch

      "Check against delivery"   Ladies and gentlemen, friends and colleagues,   Thank you for the opportunity to speak today and to hear the different voices and views on this new and very important Report from the Lancet Breast Cancer Commission.   My congratulations to all those involved in its research and findings.   Cancer affects...

  • Mastering HIPAA-Compliant Email for Healthcare

      Imagine yourself as a skilled tightrope walker gracefully navigating a crowded hospital atrium. Below you, a sea of patients and staff represents the sensitive patient health information (PHI) you manage daily. Your goal? Confidentiality must be ensured to traverse this digital tightrope securely while clear communication is maintained. This,...

  • People Are People

    Sabine Torgler Staff Nurse University Hospital Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) Director English for Nurses Ltd. Board member, European Nurse Directors Association UK   My Dear Readers,  Happy April to you all. I hope my words find you well.  It's time for thoughts from the island.  The title of this...

  • Overcoming Stigma: Men's Mental Health Awareness

      Real men don't cry – or at least that is what society has made us believe. Hypermasculinisation refers to a gender role that makes men feel crying is weak or feminine. Unfortunately, the trend has produced men who cannot express themselves, and bottling up these emotions leads to depression and harms mental health.     Everyone has their...

  • New WHO Guidance Promotes Fair and Ethical Management of International Health Worker Migration

      Today during World Health Worker Week, the World Health Organization (WHO) published guidance on  Bilateral agreements on health worker migration and mobility . The guidance was developed by WHO and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, with the International Labour Organization, as part of the Working for Health programme....

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