• Redesigning Emergency Ambulatory Care with Point-of-Care Testing: Reduced Costs and Length of Stay

    Many patients presenting to the hospital ‏emergency department do not need ‏to stay overnight. Ambulatory emergency ‏care (AEC) may optimise identification ‏and management of such patients by delivering ‏streamlined, efficient patient care within ‏one working day. This may improve clinical ‏outcomes, patient experience and lower costs.   At James...

  • Early Diagnosis and Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury

    penKid – A Dynamic Inflammation-Independent Biomarker Of Kidney (Dys)function Early recognition and close monitoring of acute kidney injury (AKI) is vital in the ICU, given AKI’s high prevalence and effect on length of stay and risk of re-hospitalisation and death (McCullough et al. 2013). As more becomes known about biomarkers, intensivists need...

  • Lung Protective Ventilation - Twinstream® Pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation (P-BLV)

    The Twinstream® ventilator (Carl Reiner GMBH, Vienna, Austria) is an electricdriven microprocessor-controlled jet ventilator, which allows simultaneous application of two different jet streams (low frequency and high frequency), resulting in a pulsatile Bi-Level Ventilation (p-BLV) mode. ICU Management & Practice spoke to Prof. Dr. Gerfried Zobel about...

  • Rapid Pathogen Testing With PCR/ESI-MS In Practice

    Kristoffer Strålin, MD, PhD , is Associate Professor and Senior Consultant at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Karolinska Institute is a world renowned medical university, which has the mission of improving people’s health through research and education. Together with Karolinska University Hospital,...

  • Cognitive Impairment After Critical Illness: Prevention and Treatment

    Why did you decide to investigate NTF-prep? Long-term cognitive impairment after critical illness (CIACI) was first described in 1999 (Hopkins 1999). In 1992 we noticed that in cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation patients there was a correlation between jugular bulb lactic acid and cognitive decline. We concluded that CIACI was a real...

  • Clinical Benefits of Rapid Pathogen Testing with PCR/ESI-MS

    Dr. Mark Wilks, Clinical Scientist, Microbiology  at Barts Health NHS Trust in London, UK, talks about  their experiences of using PCR/ESI-MS technology over  a period of 18 months. During its use for the RADICAL  study, the department also ran clinical samples of  interest through the technology. Which patient groups could potentially benefit...

  • Rapid Pathogen Testing With PCR/ESI-MS

    The RADICAL multicentre observational study was performed to compare PCR/ESI-MS to standard microbiology in critically ill patients. Dr. David Brealey,  Consultant Intensivist at University College Hospital, London, was one of the investigators in the UK arm of this trial, and explains more about the challenges of diagnosing infections in the...

  • Improved Microbial Diagnostics for the Critically Ill Patient with PCR/ESI-MS

    By George F. Winter Eddleston, Peeblesshire, Scotland [email protected] S epsis is a constant challenge facing those who care for critically ill patients. Sepsis and septic shock contribute substantially to morbidity and mortality in this group, and in 2012 authors of guidelines for appropriate management...

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