Short abstracts for the ‘Call for Papers’ can be submitted from 15 October to 15 November. All experts who are actively working on the digitalisation of healthcare are invited to participate.


From 15 October to 15 November 2024, the DMEA invites experts from business, science, politics and practice to actively participate in shaping the congress programme on all three days of the event. Interested parties have the opportunity to submit their short abstracts free of charge Call for Papers:


With DMEA, Europe's most important event on the topic of digital health, the German Association for Healthcare IT - bvitg e. V. will be showing what trans-sectorally networked, digital healthcare looks like at the Berlin Exhibition Centre from 8 - 10 April 2025. Over three days of trade fairs and congresses, all relevant players will come together to effectively leverage the potential of digitalisation across the entire supply chain.


Who can apply?

Participation in the Call for Papers is free of charge for anyone working on the digitalisation of healthcare. From researchers, users from medicine and care to start-ups and industry giants from the digital health sector.


The submitted abstracts must be based on one of the following congress topics:


  • What does the future of interoperability in healthcare look like? (DigiG, EPA4ALL, EHDS, classification systems, terminology servers)
  • Connection to the TI, decision support through AI, ... - Care in the digital era?
  • Emergency care - integrated, but how?
  • What will the HIS of the future look like for hospitals?
  • Move the data, not the people - practical examples of telemedicine
  • AI in the healthcare sector: Transformation & Innovation
  • No clouds of sheep: Achieving more efficient healthcare with the right cloud strategy
  • The ePA in everyday healthcare - successes, opportunities and experiences
  • CO2 footprint, CSRD & Co: How can healthcare facilities manage their data on sustainability aspects?
  • NIS 2 and resilience: sustainable strategies for the healthcare sector
  • Healthcare research - What data is used today and in the future?
  • Potential of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)?
  • Communication with the TI for insured persons and service providers: today and tomorrow
  • Personalised and genetic medicine: digital innovations and research approaches for individualised healthcare
  • Does the digitalisation of medicine cause more bureaucracy?


Information dates for the call for papers

For open questions and further information on the ‘Call for Papers’, the DMEA team is offering an open Q&A session on 22 and 29 October 2024. There, interested parties can find out more about the application process and formal requirements.


Applications for the Call for Papers can be submitted until 15 October. All short abstracts will then be reviewed by an expert jury consisting of representatives from associations, ministries, self-government, industry and science. Applicants will find out which presentations have been selected at the beginning of January 2025.


The link to the application and all further information on the Call for Papers can be found here: Congress - DMEA


Source & Image Credit: DMEA

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DMEA 2024, Call for Papers, digital healthcare, healthcare digitalisation, interoperability, AI in healthcare, EHDS, healthcare innovation Submit abstracts for DMEA 2024’s Call for Papers. Shape the digital healthcare future, 15 Oct - 15 Nov.