Arctic Light E-Health Conference 2017

ALEC 2017






The Digital Transformation of Healthcare

Why does it matter

First off, let’s Clarify what we mean when talk about ‘the Digital Transformation of Healthcare’. Digital Transformation is the whole scale change to the foundational components of healthcare: from its operating model to the infrastructure, to the ‘services’ we provide, to whom we provide them to. The Digital Transformation touches every function of healthcare; from workforce training, HR, finance, reimbursement and evaluation models, through to operations, technology, communication and business development.

  • Catch up on what’s driving the digital transformation
  • Understand the challenges
  • Learn what it takes it to get the transformation going
  • Understand the impact of digital healthcare
  • Innovate today and get ready for the transformation ahead

Health Equity in the Digital Age

Why does it matter

We believe everyone deserves a fair chance to lead a healthy life, that No one should be denied a chance to lead a healthy life because of socio-economic status, demographic factors or where they are from.

  • Understand the challenges of creating health equity
  • The promise of technology to ‘design’ health
  • Learn how digital is empowering people

At ALEC we will explore how digital health technologies can play to reduce health disparities, improve health outcomes, and the potential of digital to improve access to high quality health information for vulnerable groups.

Why Attend

Now for the fifth time, Arctic Light E-health Conference, ALEC 2017 will bring together top level Policy Makers, the most experienced digital health Thought Leaders, Business Innovators, senior Care Professionals and E-health Strategists to explore how digital can, and are transforming healthcare.

  • Understand the digital transformation
  • Stay at the forefront and gain fresh perspectives
  • Learn, connect and build towards the future

Seize this opportunity to connect with peers and gain new understanding of what it takes for your organization to accelerate the digital transformation.

Welcome to ALEC the one event that connects Policy and Decision Makers, Technology and Healthcare leaders, care professionals and patients to build networks, get inspired and gain the knowledge you need to plan for the future today!

Who should come to ALEC

Do you believe that radical change and digital innovation is vital for building a sustainable healthcare system? Do you want to connect with peers who share your passion for advancing digital health? Then you are just the right person to join ALEC.

  • Influencers and Decision Makers (Policy Level)
  • Visionaries and Strategists (Strategic Level)
  • Innovators and Change Agents (Operational level)

Typical attendees of the Arctic Light Ehealth Conference include:

  • Senior Policy Makers and Politicians,
  • Senior Healthcare leaders and Practitioners,
  • Senior Health IT Leadership (CIO / CMIO),
  • Digital Health Researchers,
  • Patients and Patient organizations,
  • Digital Health Strategists
  • Senior Digital Health Business leaders and Innovators

Conference fee:

329 €

Includes meeting costs, program, refreshments and lunch at Clarion Hotel Sense, Luleå.

Please note that your registration is binding.

Registration closes at January 23.

Preliminary conference schedule

February 1:

Registration opens: 08.00

Conference starts: 09.00

Conference ends: 17.00

Official conference gala dinner (extra) 19.30

February 2:

Conference starts: 08.00

Conference ends: 16.00

February 3:

Social event Jokkmokks Winter Market (extra) 08.00-17.00


Official Dinner at Clarion Hotel Sense Luleå February 1: 75 €

Social event Jokkmokks wintermarket February 3: 75 €

Registration for employees from Region of Norrbotten: 995 SEK

Includes meeting costs, program, refreshments and lunch at Clarion Hotel Sense, Luleå.

Draft Program

February 1

08.00 Registration


09.00 Keynote session

Host: Agneta Granström

Building the Foundations for Digital Transformation
Transforming Healthcare with Better Information for Better Decisions
Unlocking the potential of Value-Based Care utilizing Health Outcome MeasurementsCounty Council Commissioner of Norrbotten and president of the Assembly of European Regions Ehealth network



Parallell Sessions

The Virtual Care team
The Informal and Formal Virtual Care Team – Consent, Trust and Enablement in a Digital World
Designing Person Centered Coordinated Care Plans Using Virtual Meetings
My plan – Digital, Accessible and Individualized Coordinated Care Plans
East Norrbotten – building a virtual primary care system
eCAP – eHealth Services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry using multi professional collaboration
Médecins Sans Frontières

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
Reference Site Collaborative Network (Speaker TBC)
Draft Blueprint Digital Transformation of Health and Care for the Ageing Society (Speaker TBC)
Cross sectoral collaboration – Designing Living Environments for Active and healthy Ageing
Translating Connected health research into practice through collaborative academic, industrial and clinical engagement

Reference site Good Practice (Speaker TBC)

Health Equity in the Digital Age

Interactive Learning Session: Health Equity in the Digital Age – How equipped are European states and regions for digital transformation?

Facilitator: CORAL – Community Of Regions for Assisted Living


Networking + Innovation lab

Parallel Sessions

Digital Skills for Carers
Accelerating Change in Medical Education – train physicians to meet the needs of today’s patients and to adapt to future changes
Designing the national specialist competence of information technology for medical doctors
A new landscape for higher education evolves: How can students’ and professionals’ digital competence be enhanced to match needs in the digitalized knowledge-based society?
Managing the Digital Transformation at Sahlgrenska University Hospital
How can eHealth support nurses in a person centred care?

OuluHealth Ecosystem
Ouluhealth, what it is? Introduction to Ouluhealth Ecosystem

Oulu University Hospital – the future hospital programme

The role of R&D in the OuloHealth Ecosystem

OuluHealth labs, Co-operation and Co-creation

The Industry view, the impact of OuluHealth for the companies

Success factors for Active and healthy ageing in Remote areas
Interactive Learning Session: Discussion based workshop exploring the ethical issues around digital health, World Cafe

Facilitated by: RemoAge


Networking +Innovation lab

Parallel Sessions

ParkinsonNet – The Versatile Value of Network Based Care
Lead patients – a new resource for healthcare?

Innovation Live
On Stage Demonstration of Cutting-Edge Solutions

Scaling Integrated Care in Europe – What does it take?
Interactive Learning Session: Understand the maturity model for integrated care tool and explore good practices for Scaling up integrated care solutions for active and healthy ageing.

Facilitator: SCIROCCO Project

Networking mingle


Arctic Light Gala Dinner

February 2


Networking Breakfast and Idea Exchange

09.30 Keynote session 3

Freedom of choice models accelerating the digital transformation

Challenging status quo and deliver sustainable healthcare services through cross-sectoral collaboration and innovation.

Care System Transformation: Predicting the Future?


Networking + innovation lab

Parallell sessions

Liberating Data – Empowering People

Hälsa för mig – The Personal Health Account

Digital Health Revolution

Diabetes at the Edge

Ensuring children’s health and data needs are included in E-Health

Citizens e-Services

RemoAge – remote support for healthy ageing

ConnectingU – Piloting a Social Prescribing service for tackling social isolation in a remote island community

E-health for Patient Centered Healthcare Teams

Life changing connectivity – bringing community, friends, family and carers closer

Virtual Rounds – Saving time, resources and improving access to care?

Building digital competence to match the needs of the digital transformation?

Interactive Learning Session:

Facilitator: Linneaus University and Luleå University of Technology

Hanna Broberg Danielsson, Senior Lecturer in Informatics at Linneaus University and researcher at the eHealth institute in Kalmar (SE)

Maria Larsson Lund, Professor and program director of the occupational therapy program at Luleå University of technology (SE)


Networking + innovation lab

Parallell Sessions

Integrated care: Tapping into social capital

Facilitated by: The Assembly of European Regions

Designing Health

Good Health: Equalising Access and Opportunity with Digital Health

Motivation and Technology – how they can come together to prevent disease

Gray Matters – Facilitating healthy behavior change through technology

Combining health promotion, technology and activity measurement to create health

Gasel – Gamified remote service concept for promoting health of older people

Patient Outcome Measurement – A new definition of success?

Interactive Learning Session:

Explore value-based care and the potential of health outcome measurement together with Dr Christina Åkerman, President of the the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. (US)

Facilitator: ICHOM – International Consortium for Health Outcome Measurement


Networking + innovation lab

Closing Keynote
Conference ends 16.30

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