Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematologic malignancy in adults, primarily affecting the bone. Detecting osteolytic lesions in bone is crucial for staging and determining the treatment strategy for patients. While whole-body CT scans have been the standard for identifying these lesions, advances in MRI technology, such as Zero Echo Time (ZTE) and Black Bone (BB) pseudo-CT sequences, offer new diagnostic opportunities. A review published in Radiology compares the efficacy of ZTE and BB pseudo-CT MRI sequences against the traditional whole-body CT in detecting osteolytic lesions.


MRI and CT in Detecting Osteolytic Lesions

In MM, identifying osteolytic lesions is vital in assessing disease severity. Traditional imaging techniques like radiographic skeletal surveys and CT scans have been the primary methods for this detection. Whole-body CT is highly accurate for identifying bone destruction but has limitations in differentiating active lesions from inactive or treated ones. Additionally, the cumulative radiation exposure in CT scans poses a significant risk, especially for younger patients or those needing frequent monitoring. This has driven the exploration of alternatives like MRI, which, while superior in detecting bone marrow lesions, traditionally could not visualise bone mineral loss. However, the development of ZTE and BB pseudo-CT MRI sequences is changing this.


These MRI-based techniques are designed to mimic the bone contrast in CT, offering a non-radiation-based option for detecting bone abnormalities. ZTE, with its ultra-short echo times, captures the signal from bone tissue, while BB generates high-contrast images by using low flip angles to enhance bone visibility. Together, these advancements bring MRI closer to CT-like imaging quality, providing new potential for safer, more comprehensive skeletal assessments.


Diagnostic Accuracy of ZTE and BB Sequences

The study compared ZTE and BB pseudo-CT sequences against whole-body CT as the reference standard. In patients with MM, ZTE and BB sequences showed promising results, demonstrating high diagnostic accuracy. At the patient level, both sequences had an accuracy of 98% when analysed by experienced radiologists. However, discrepancies arose at the regional level, particularly in the spine, where BB consistently outperformed ZTE. In the lumbar spine, ZTE was associated with more false-negative findings, with accuracy dropping by as much as 23% compared to BB.


BB's performance in detecting osteolytic lesions was more consistent across different regions of the body. In areas like the pelvis and femurs, BB maintained an accuracy rate above 90%. In contrast, ZTE struggled particularly in regions where the signal-to-noise ratio was compromised, such as the lumbar vertebrae, where chemical shift artefacts impacted its quality. These findings suggest that while both sequences hold promise, BB may be the better choice for critical areas like the spine, where precise detection is crucial for managing the disease.


Repeatability, Reproducibility, and Implications for Clinical Use

A vital strength of the study was its focus on the reliability of these sequences, assessing both repeatability and reproducibility. For any imaging modality to be clinically viable, it must provide consistent results across different readers and over repeated scans. The repeatability of both ZTE and BB sequences was rated as "very good," with high agreement in categorical scores when assessed by the same radiologist over time. Reproducibility, which measures agreement between different radiologists, was rated "good" for both sequences, indicating that these MRI methods can be reliably interpreted even by readers less familiar with the pseudo-CT sequences.


This consistency is crucial for integrating ZTE and BB sequences into routine clinical practice. Given their high diagnostic accuracy and reliability, these techniques could reduce the need for multiple imaging modalities, streamlining the diagnostic process. Furthermore, since MRI avoids ionising radiation, it offers a safer long-term monitoring solution for patients, particularly those with progressive MM or high-risk monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). The ability to assess both bone and marrow involvement in a single scan without radiation exposure could make ZTE and BB pseudo-CT MRI sequences highly attractive for comprehensive patient care.


ZTE and BB pseudo-CT sequences represent significant advancements in MRI technology, offering a viable alternative to whole-body CT in detecting osteolytic lesions in MM patients. While both sequences demonstrate high diagnostic accuracy, BB outperforms ZTE in critical regions like the spine, where precise detection is crucial. These findings suggest that BB may be more reliable for assessing areas with complex bone structures, while ZTE could be more suitable for less complicated regions. The repeatability and reproducibility of both sequences indicate that they could be effectively integrated into routine diagnostic workflows, providing a safer and more comprehensive option for skeletal assessment in MM. Further studies are needed to optimise these techniques and expand their application to other skeletal regions. Still, their potential to reduce radiation exposure while maintaining diagnostic precision marks a significant step forward in MM imaging.


Source: Radiology

Image Credit: iStock



Lecouvet FE, Zan D, Lepot D et al. (2024) MRI-based Zero Echo Time and Black Bone Pseudo-CT Compared with Whole-Body CT to Detect Osteolytic Lesions in Multiple Myeloma. Radiology. 313(1)

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