RICAI 2023 - 43rd Edition

RICAI 2023


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Dear colleagues,

Dear friends,

The 2022 edition of the RICAI allowed us to meet within the framework of a congress with the same format as the “pre-COVID-19” period. This 42nd edition was very appreciated both scientifically and convivially, and attendance at our conference returned to its level of 3 years ago: 1865 participants!

The original and high-level scientific content of this 42nd edition demonstrates the vitality of our congress, thanks to the remarkable work of the program committee. This year again, the RICAI will have been a place for sharing knowledge, presenting innovations, and interdisciplinary exchange. Among the new features in the organization of this edition, we can highlight the two dedicated poster sessions with 3 “poster” prizes awarded by a jury going to meet the authors of the communications displayed. The evaluation of the posters is an important step forward which will continue and make it possible to promote the work presented by the youngest. We have also developed the RICAI's digital tools: new congress application on "smart phone", and video recording of sessions for VOD access throughout the year on the RICAI Thematic Portal (https://portail.ricai.fr/). Finally, as you have probably noticed, the media impact of the RICAI has this year been amplified by the implementation of communication actions on the main social networks by a working group coordinated by members of the Program Committee and hosted by Junior Members.

The preliminary program for our 2023 congress is currently being put together and will be available from March on the congress website. This site improves from year to year and now includes on a thematic portal (https://portail.ricai.fr/) the scientific content of the 3 previous editions (videos of sessions, presentations and posters in PDF format). These elements are available free of charge, 1 month after the end of the congress. In 2023, the number of broadcast sessions on VOD will be increased. In addition, the board of directors has also chosen to invite, from this 2023 edition, the junior Doctors of microbiology and infectious diseases, in order to allow them to benefit from the formidable vector of training and exchange that is the RICAI congress.

The RICAI office was renewed at the end of 2022 with a new president and a new secretary. In 2023, the program committee will now include young representatives from the SFM, SPILF and SF2H in order to boost session proposals and prepare for the integration of young colleagues into the decision-making committees managing the RICAI congress.

We look forward to seeing many of you on December 18 and 19, 2023 for this 43rd edition of the RICAI.

See you soon.

Kind regards to you all.

The ACAI office
Pr Laurent Andreoletti, President
Pr Manuel Etienne, Secretary
Pr Jean-Louis Herrmann, Treasurer/ Pr Cécile Bébéar, Deputy Treasurer

  1. Copy of up-to-date membership fee receipt required
  2. Subject to providing a certificate from your Medical Affairs Department attesting that you hold this position on the date of registration
  3. Professional proof required (professional card or diploma)
  4. Proof required (valid student card or letter from the head of department)
  5. A certificate from your DES coordinator or school certificate attesting to your registration as a Junior Doctor, the year of the RICAI

Registration fees include:

  • The badge
  • Access to the scientific sessions of the congress
  • Access to the exhibition
  • The smartphone application (subject to compatibility with your hardware)
  • Access to coffee breaks on December 18 and 19, 2023.

The RICAI committee and Professional Training Interviews (LEPF) have combined their skills to design and deliver training using an approach in compliance with the quality requirements applicable to Continuing Professional Training (Qualiopi Reference)

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