2nd World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss-WCRPL 2017

WCRPL 2017

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Congress Dates

19-22 January 2017

Congress Venue

Hotel Majestic Barriere
10 Boulevard de la Croisette
06407 Cannes, France
Tel: +33 4 92 98 77 00
Website: Hotel Majestic Barriere

• Pharmacologists
• Maternal Fetal Medicine and Ultra Sound Specialists
• Imaging – 3D Specialists
• Psychiatrists
• Psychologists
• Rheumatologists
• Infertility and IVF Units
• Gynecologists
• Obstetricians
• Reproductive Endocrinologists
• Internists
• Hematologists
• Reproductive Medicine Specialists
• Reproductive Immunologists


The official language of the Congress is English.

Dress Code

Business casual for all occasions.


The Euro is the official currency of France. Currency exchange can be made in most banks and post offices as well as in train stations, airports and exchange offices near major tourist sites.

Registration Fees in Euro (Per Person)
Fees apply to payment received prior to the indicated Registration Deadlines.

Registration Type

Up to
11 November, 2016

5 November, 2016
to 5 January, 2017

6 January, 2017


450 €

500 €

580 €

Participants from Developing Countries*

350 €

375 €

400 €

Residents, Nurses, Students**

350 €

375 €

400 €

* Developing Countries; in accordance with the International Statistical Institute list of developing countries based on United Nations sources.
To view the list, please click here.
** Students must submit a student card valid for 2017

Registration fees for Congress participants include:

Participation in the Congress scientific sessions
Printed Congress materials
An invitation to the Welcome Reception
Entrance to the Exhibition
Refreshments as per times scheduled in the scientific program

Group Registration Policy:

The Group Registration procedure will be valid for a group with a minimum of 10 delegates.
A special rate of 375 € per person will be given for a group registration.
For more information on group registration please contact: [email protected]
The group rate is not applicable to participants from Developing Countries.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

08:15-08:45Opening Ceremony & Welcome Words
08:45-11:00Session I. Epidemiological Aspects, Evidence Based Medicine
Chairs: Asher Bashiri (Israel) and William Kutteh (USA)
08:45-09:30Recurrent Pregnancy Loss – Overview and Endocrine Aspects
09:30-10:00Impact of Consecutive versus Non-Consecutive Miscarriages in RPL
10:00-10:30Progress on Standardized Outcomes for RPL Studies
10:30-1100The BMI and the Risks for RPL
11:00-11:15Coffee Break
11:15-13:45Session II. Immunology
Chairs: Bettina Toth (Austria) and Ole Christiansen (Denmark)
11:15-11:45Immunology in RPL: Facts and Fiction
11:45-12:15HLA-DR and -DQ (2000 patients) in RPL in the Danish Population
12:15-12:45Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss – Is There a Place for This Treatment?
12:45-13:15Immunologic Processes at the Feto-Maternal Interphase
13:15-13:45Immunologic Treatment Option, Cons and Pros
13:45-14:45Lunch Break / Poster / Exhibition
14:45-17:45Oral Communications I: Epidemiology, Immunology, Thrombophilia and RPL
Chairs: Asher Bashiri (Israel) and James Scott (USA)
14:45Evaluating the Role of Vitamin D3 in Recurrent Miscarriage, a Narrative Systematic Literature Review
14:57Does Ethnicity Influence Maternal and Pregnancy Characteristics in Women Experiencing Recurrent Pregnancy Loss?
15:09Thrombophilia Gene Mutations in Georgian Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)
15:21Decidual Th1/Th2&NK1/NK2 Phenotyping with 8-color Flowcytometry in Recurrent Miscarriage
15:33Clinical and Immunologic Profile of Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Losses in a Tertiary Hospital in the Philippines
15:45Identification of Immunological Biomarkers for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
15:57An Immunological Profile is Associated with Development of Clinical Abnormalities in Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
16:09Analysis of CD138+ Uterine Plasma Cells in Patients with Recurrent Miscarriage
16:21Higher Incidence of Colonization with Gardnerella Vaginalis in Patients with Recurrent Miscarriage and Elevated Peripheral Natural Killer Cells
16:33Characteristics of Subsequent (Index) Pregnancy in Women Experiencing Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
16:45G-CSF Treatment in Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Results of a Controlled Trial on 120 Women and Total Data on Ten Years Experience
16:57A 9-year Retrospective Analysis of Associated Medical Conditions in a Tertiary Level Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic in Cape Town, South Africa – Is BMI the Tip of the Iceberg in RM?
17:45-18:45Welcome Reception

Friday, 20 January 2017

08:00-10:30Session III. Infertility
Chairs: Raoul Orvieto (Israel) and Eitan Lunenfeld (Israel)
08:00-08:30The Continuing Spectrum of Infertility and RPL
08:30-09:00Recurrent Implantation Failure
09:00-09:30The Role of Oxidative Stress and Anti-Oxidants Treatment in (Unexplained?) RPL
09:30-10:00Metformin – Old News? Does Metformin Prevent Miscarriages in PCOS Patients?
10:00-10:30To select or Not to Select – The Role of Sperm Selection Techniques in RPL Prevention
10:30-11:00Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
11:00-13:30Session IV. Anatomy
Chairs: Mala Arora (India) and Olivier Toullalan (France)
11:00-11:30Anatomical Causes of RPL, the Role of 3D Ultrasound and the Significance of Determining Fetal Abnormalities
11:30-12:00Endoscopic Septectomy for RPL Patients
12:00-12:30Late Pregnancy Loss
12:30-13:00The Role of Hystero-Embryoscopy in the Management of RPL
13:00-13:30Cervical Incompetence Evaluation and Management
13:30-14:30Lunch Break / Posters / Exhibition
14:30-15:00Industry Supported Session
15:00-17:00Session V. Thrombophilia
Chairs: Avraham Harlev (Israel) and Alric Mondragon (Philippines)
15:00-15:30Guidelines for Evaluation Hereditary Thrombophilia among Patients with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and New Diagnostic Test
15:30-16:00APLA Syndrome and RPL
16:00-16:30Treatment Options in Refractory Obstetric Antiphospholipid Syndrome
16:30-17:00Is Aspirin a Treatment for RPL?

Saturday, 21 January 2017

08:00-10:30Session VI. Genetics
Chairs: Elias Dahdouh (Canada) and Vasilios Tanos (Cyprus)
08:00-08:30Genetic Factors in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
08:30-09:00Molecular Analysis of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Products of Conception (POCs)
09:00-09:30Embryoscopy in Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions Correlation of Embryo Morphology and Karyotype
09:30-10:00PGD/PGS in RPL: Is It Really Beneficial?
10:00-10:30Case Presentations and Panel Discussion
All session speakers
10:30-11:00Coffee Break / Posters / Exhibition
11:00-12:30Session VII. Psychological and Organizational Support
Chairs: Bruce Young (USA) and Arsen Gvenetadze (Georgia)
11:00-11:30Pregnancy Loss Prevention Center: Clinical Experience
11:30-12:00Learning to stay with what is: Mindfulness training as a way to enhance stress management, acceptance and compassion due to recurrent pregnancy loss.
12:00-12:30How to Organize an RPL Clinic
12:30-13:30Lunch Break / Posters/ Exhibition
13:30-16:00Oral Communications II: Anatomy, Genetics and Fertility
Chairs: William Kutteh (USA) and Elias Dahdouh (Canada)
13:30Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Recurrent Miscarriages Following Endometrial Biopsy- a Systematic Review of Literature
13:42Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) does not Improve Miscarriage Rate for Patients with Recurrent Implantation Failure and/or Male Factor Infertility
13:54The Value of Three-dimensional Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Congenital Uterine Anomalies
14:06Anti-P Allo-Antibodies as a Cause for Recurrent Early Miscarriages & Late Pregnancy Loss
14:18The Genome-Wide Association Study Identifying TSHR and C1d as New Susceptibility Loci for Obstetric Antiphospholipid Syndrome
14:30Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Antiphospholipde Syndrome
14:42Unraveling the Diverse Landscape of Genomic Abnormalities from Conception to Childhood
14:54Balanced Structural Chromosomal Anomalies in Couples with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)
15:06A Meta-analysis of Low-Molecular Weight Heparin to Prevent Pregnancy Loss in Women with Inherited Thrombophilia
15:18The Contribution of Fertility Treatments to Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
15:30Deficiency of Placental Copy Number Variations in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Patients
15:42Application of Thrombelastography to Monitor The Change of Coagulation Function in Patients of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion with Different Times Miscarriages Before and After Pregnancy
16:00-16:15Short Break
16:15-18:15Stop, Sit, Breath, Let It Be – Experiential Workshop in Mindfulness

Sunday, 22 January 2017

08:00-10:00Meet the Expert Session
Interactive session with the audience, case presentations
Moderator: Asher Bashiri (Israel)
Arsen Gvenetadze (Georgia), Avraham Harlev (Israel), Alric Mondragon(Philippines), James Scott (USA), Vasilis Tanos (Cyprus), Bruce Young (USA)
10:00-12:00Oral Communications III: Different Aspects of RPL
Chairs: Bruce Young (USA) and Avraham Harlev (Israel)
10:00Prevalence of Vitamin D Levels in the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Population
10:12Mechanisms of Action of G-CSF Treatment in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Immunological and Trophoblast Growth Pathways
10:24Evil Eye, Stress and Overwork: Theories of Miscarriage Causations among Qatari Women
10:36Pregnancy Outcomes in the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic – Is One Scan Sufficient?
10:48A New Exclusive Innovation Model of Obstetrical Pessary – Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Insufficiency and Habitual Abortion
11:00Tendencies of Depression and Anxiety are Highly Prevalent among Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Infertility
11:12RNA-Seq Analysis of Chorionic Villi from Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Cases Compared to Normal Early Pregnancy
11:24Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH): Enoxaparin as Adyuvant of in Vitro Fertilization Techniques (IVF) in Women with Recurrent Implantation Failures (RIF): Obstetric and Perinatal Outcome: Preliminary Report
12:00-12:10Closing Remarks

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